The Online Dentist was created to empower you to take control of your dental health. We want to help people to protect their teeth and maintain the health of their family’s teeth. Problems like tooth decay and tooth loss can be prevented if you know how.
It may not seem like a big issue. It’s only teeth, right?
No! This is a huge issue. A big, sprawling, fetid whopper of an issue and certainly the biggest issue affecting the health of children in the United Kingdom today.
Let’s look at some of the statistics from the NHS, Public Health England and the Royal College of Surgeons to give it some context.
Tooth decay is a preventable disease. Yet it is a disease that affects almost a third of five year olds in England. Five year old children should be happy, carefree, dashing around and wearing out their parents. But one in three has a disease that can cause pain, swelling and sleep loss.
Public Health England have figures that show the areas worst affected. In parts on England, children are more likely to have tooth decay than not have it. Isn’t that crazy?
The hospital figures are just as scary. 46,500 children admitted to hospital in a year because of tooth decay. This is the most common reason that children go into hospital; four times more children than any other reason.
Dental disease costs the NHS £3.4 billion each year. This is a crisis.
We believe that the answer is education. We need to get information to the families who need it. We need to share positive health messages with everyone so that everyone has the chance to make informed choices.
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